Wednesday, 10 September 2008

O Fish

O Fish
A3, pastels on paper


Anders Søe Plougsgaard said...
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Anders Søe Plougsgaard said...

Haha, really good. And rather gross. Human kind de-volved.

You know, plaice (rødspætte) once had an eye on each side of the head. However, the fish living on the bottom of the sea, has no use for the eye on the downside. This eye has through many years of evolution travelled to the other side of the plaice.

Human kind evolves too. Could this be a specimen of the homo cubans, the not-erect man as it were. Today a lot of people lie in their beds all day. This could some kind of man who has eventually adapted to this kind of life, exacly like the flat fish?

vwl said...

veeery interesting interpretation, Anders.