I am a philosophy student and amateur artist living in Århus, Denmark.
On Villums Tegneblog i show off my work and motivate myself to draw and develop my skills. (currently on hiatus, as i'm concentrating on my studies)
Most of the drawings are for sale if you're interested. Contact me, and we'll figure something out.
If you have feedback, are interested in buying a drawing, or otherwise want to contact me, you can either leave a comment or email me at:
tegnevillum [at] gmail [dot] com
Endelig lytter De til mine (verdslige!) bønner! REN abstraktion! Forhåbentligt når De ENDEMÅLET - Det Rene Grå Lærred _ hurtigenest mulig!!!!
Deres forsøg paa Ironi nærmer sig farligt ikke at kunne differentieres fra den almindelige Galskab på Internettet, hr. Ian. Overvei Dette.
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